Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Book of Genesis , a document recognized as the foundation for multiple Abrahamic religions, describes the lives of more than 40 women revealing their creator’s redeeming love for them in spite of their selves, providing opportunities for a do-over, a connection of oneness with their creator, humanity and or the environment that surrounded them. So, the question is was it a time period in which ‘peace on earth’ actually existed? It is believed the book of Genesis was written by Moses, during 1400 BC and most likely in the Mediterranean area. While during that time period Asian countries were equally formatting spiritual attachments, what makes the Abrahamic religion different is the book of Genesis was written in a universal language enabling it to cross cultural boundaries – Christian, Judaism and Islamic as well as combinations of the three. Hence, this book was universally accepted as an explanation of ‘in the beginning’ – an oneness with spirituality, humanity and the world in which humanity exist. It recorded evolution – separation of light from dark, sky from land and waters, the formation of life; and, finally, the creation of humanity – Adam and Eve. So, recognizing ‘in the beginning’ was a place without chaos, was it a place in which ‘peace on earth’ existed? Adam is described as a creature who was made from dust and soil, creating for Adam a connection, oneness, with earth, itself. Eve, on the other hand, is a creature unique to all other forms of life. She was created from a part of her life-partner Adam. For it is said, Adam was placed into a deep sleep and then taking a piece of him nearby his heart Eve was created; symbolizing an intricate bond – husband and wife. ‘For this reason because they are made of the same flesh and bone, a man leaves his father and mother to be united with his wife. Ge 2:24. So, considering the fact that this is a time period in which there is an oneness between spirituality, humanity and the environment; specifically, a time period in which there is an oneness between man and woman of emotional, spiritual and intellectual equality – why would anyone want to reverse this balance, create chaos? Perhaps, it is poet Toni Morrison who best captured with her words the who what and why –
So, either through following postings of discussions and or attending a series of brown bag discussions held Wednesdays at noon September 7th - 28th. at Monument Heights Baptist Church, join in discussions of women in the bible during the 'era of order', book of Genesis.