Since the beginning of time, mankind has looked to the sky for guidance. Whether seasonal or spiritual or nautical or aeronautical, it is said wise people follow the stars.
Symbols of Epiphany, the star symbol is decorated with hand and footprint of 21st century family members.
The Epiphany which occurs on January 6th celebrates a gift from those who chose to follow a star, the Magi. In a more general format, epiphany is defined as a sudden recognition of or insight into meaning, reality or significance of something. So, the question is have you identified an epiphany – a star to follow?Similar to most American families, my family celebrates blended diverse traditions. To remind us of our heritage, the holiday season starts on Christmas day and ends January 6th. So, it is time to identify an epiphany – wisely chose a star to follow.
Because my family resides on generational property which consists of extended wet-land areas, our focus is eco – identification and implementation of land maintenance activities which contribute to eco healthy habitats. For as a family, it is the blend of a Quaker heritage with other Christian based faiths along with non-faith activities which influence present-day lifestyle choices.
While historically eco - earth-friendly strategies - is defined in terms of reduce, reuse and recycle, influence by a Quaker heritage, eco is a perspective of CARE - conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency. So, individually and collectively, we have identified eco-sustainable spaces are not simply a result of lifestyle choices but reflect how we feel about the environment. While keeping it simple (as in simple living) is the name of the game, there is a more important underlying factor – a commitment to ultimate greening: providing for the present without sacrificing the future.
Within our family complex, we use green scaping concepts: build and maintain healthy soil, install right plant for site requirements; and during seasonal appropriate cycles, be water wise, adopt earth-friendly pest and weed management, and implement natural lawn care. In other words, we ‘enable green’ back into the surrounding urban/suburban community by nurturing existing or replacement of ‘living green’. For, if eco-healthy urban suburban landscapes are to exist, individually and collectively - we must become people who CARE – have the perspective of conservation, advocacy, recovery and eco-efficiency.
Regardless of impact of cultural diversity, won't you join in an effort to recover community eco health. For year 2016, measure your eco-footprint and then, resolve to follow a star – pathway that enables eco-healthy lifestyles. Join in a celebration of the concept of an eco-epiphany. Why? It is said wise people follow the stars. For additional tips and strategies, visit web site The Wright Scoop.
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