Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Landscape Gardening with CARE

Through combining workshop style assignments with research and ‘hands-on’ experience, readers are taken through a process that uses site plats to create landscape/gardens which respect an existing vista, preserving and enhancing its eco health. For, any style landscape should not simply be the result of a traditional design but be the right plant, installed in the right place at the right (optimal) planting season - creating an eco-legacy of landscape green, sustainable urban/suburban communities which enhance green space for today and future generations. Why?
The challenge for present-day homeowners, gardeners and/or Industry professionals is to become a  naturalist with a "waste not, want not" ecological commitment: a steward of the land who is a caretaker for his/her environmental communities.

Through ‘hands on’ research, tips and strategies are identified which enable the who, why, where, what, how and when of landscape gardening -

     Who: Understand the factors which influence a landscape gardening perspective; and describe it in terms of someone who presently does and/or desires to 'dig in the dirt'.

     Why: Define landscape gardens in terms of a mission, a somewhat lofty 'green' perspective - 'providing for present-day needs without sacrificing the future'.

     Where: Define location, location, location – conduct a site analysis which identifies climate and physical constraints.

     What: Combine the 'who, why and where' influence a landscape garden plan; and then, develop goal statements which describe a proposed site.

     How: Identify activities which accomplish the identified goals.

     When: Using the 'what and how' activities, identify installation time-frames as well as recommended maintenance; and then, create a landscape gardening schedule.

As a result, participants become known as people who enable an eco-legacy of CARE - conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency.
Words of Praise -
"As an environmentalist and president of the Cornell Douglas foundation, I have been searching for new words to define those of us who advocate for protecting our natural resources for future generations. Wright's word- eco-legacy is perfect: it encourages all of us to recognize that water, land, and air are not expendable luxuries, but critical resources we must sustain in our roles as responsible stewards". - Ann Cornell, President Cornell Douglas Foundation www.CornellDouglas.org

"Wright’s eco-chic advocacy embodies every aspect of the consumer education campaign we hoped to inspire. For, our vision is to become a global organization that empowers people within communities to change society through the responsible creation and preservation of sustainable green spaces, such that the ever-increasing impacts of global warming in the world are measurably reduced; because Green Matters!" - Den Gardner, executive director of Project EverGreen.

About the Author - As founder of the ‘Plants of CARE’ plant recognition program and recipient of the Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic award , the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright seeks to inspire people to create an eco-legacy of CARE, a perspective of conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency – ‘green’ America’s landscape! For details, visit web site www.TheWrightScoop.com. To review or order a copy of Landscape Gardening with CARE, link to web site http://www.lulu.com/shop/sylvia-hoehns-wright/landscape-gardening-with-care/paperback/product-22167399.html

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