Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thankful in the Wake of Disaster

From the rain forests of south-east Alaska to the deciduous forests of the Mid-Atlantic region, communities ask the question “Is there a safe place to live?”

A few years ago, U.S.A Today newspaper posed this question when it published a full-page insert. The newspaper reported bad weather as brewing from blizzards to heat waves and across the nation, the prospect of ongoing natural disasters fueled by unhealthy shifts in the environment. When readers reviewed the report, they saw a U.S.A map depict region by region increases in blizzards, snowstorms, earthquakes, flash floods, monsoons, tornadoes, hailstorms, heat waves, hurricanes, typhoons, ice storms, thunderstorms, lightning, tsunamis, nor’easters, river valley flooding, volcanic eruptions and wildfires.

Communities asked the same question when our Nation experienced loss through global civil unrest. In fact more recently and on the anniversary of September 11th, incidents occurred described by Hillary Clinton as ‘there will never be peace on earth when there are those who use their religion as an excuse to terrorize others.”
symbols of peace design by NLAPW members

Yet, senseless mass murders – such as the students and staff of Sandy Hook school, continue as reminders of the frailty of personal safety. So, how under these circumstances, how do we reconcile loss and acquire a peaceful existence?

For those of us who ‘dig in the dirt’, a sense of safety – solace – is acquired through renewal of season and/or planting living green. In April of 2012, the 5-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, all were reminded of a tragic event which severely altered our community’s sense of security. Not to lessen the impact on any one of the 32 affected families, in a way, Virginia’s green – horticulture – community so-to-speak experienced loss of one of its own, Jocelyne Couture-Nowak.Yet, it is not death but life that the ‘green’ community chose to celebrate, memorialize. To honor Jocelyne and her family, the state of Virginia’s Green Industry fund a Jocelyne Couture-Nowak Memorial Garden, a terrace at the Hahn Horticulture Garden.

In early 2013 and 2015, members of the Global and National Climate Change Academies released eco research compiled by national and global scientists. And, as a result, global agreements will hopefully enable ways to make sense of loss due to the impact of ongoing natural disasters fueled by unhealthy shifts in the environment.

Similarly, amongst us there will be those who likewise make sense of the senseless act of others who participate in the mass murder of innocence, finding a way to restore a sense of public-at-large community safety. So, whether it is those who recover from the havoc of natural disasters or impact of global civil unrest or loss through the act of senseless mass murder, in the spirit of the holiday season, let us seek to protect the safety of our communities – business, civic and environmental.

In the wake of disaster, together, we can make a difference: be seen as people who CARE – set a Climate, not merely adjust to a preexisting one; create an encouraging Attitude, not practice ambivalence; are Receptive to people without losing sight of personal needs; and demonstrate Empathy for others while keeping problems in perspective.

Regardless of cultural diversity, let’s join in a prayer for ‘a safe place in which to live’, peace on earth - extend goodwill to all mankind. For additional eco tips and strategies, visit web site The Wright Scoop.

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